Our business licensing department specializes in consulting and providing services from a real estate perspective to all the businesses that according to the amended Business Licensing Law, 5772-2013 they need a business license in order to conduct their businesses.
Once you decide to open a certain business in a certain place, you need a professional office that will examine the compatibility of the business to the structure where it will be located, to examine that there are no construction excesses and that the building suits the municipal master plan that applies to that place. In addition, you must examine whether the structure can suit the needs and scope of the business.
The experience, knowledge and connections with the planning institutions and with the licensing officials, which we acquired in the past 20 years of issuance of hundreds if not thousands of licenses, have turned us into the leading office in the field of business licensing. Our office is recommended by the Municipality of Tel Aviv, and it participates in all the seminars of the department of business licensing.
With the help of our office you can avoid future mishaps and problems and significantly shorten the time it needs to receive a business license while maximumly saving costs.
Our team of experts in business licensing, which includes architects, engineers, measurers, sanitation engineers, safety consultants and accessibility consultants, assists in the examinations of the business, in its planning and in its preparation for the reviews of the authorities and of the licensing officials.